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Practice Areas: Denominational Law    
Private Law Religious communities must participate in the state legal system in order to fulfill their mission and tasks. On the one hand, it requires knowledge of many different areas of law, as well as state law on religious denominations. Moreover, due to their unique character, legal entities of religious communities require taking into account their own laws. Our goal is to provide to religious communities legal assistance in their activities respecting their unique nature and internal laws.

In this area of practice we serve both religious entities, including religious legal persons (parishes, dioceses et caetera), foundations and associations with religious purposes. We also deal with specific legal issues relevant only to denominational law, such as legal aspects of cemeteries, tax exemptions (tax optimization of denominational legal entities), customs exemptions, organization and protection of worship (places and objects of worship, media and cultural activities, religious publishers and broadcasters).
Commercial Law
Administrative Law
Denominational Law
Intellectual Property
Hotel & Restaurant Law
IT Law & TechLegal
Examples of cases and services:

- by-laws denominational entities
- cemeteries
- tax exemptions
- religious publishers
- religious broadcasters
- registration of a denominational association
Real Estate