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cabaret singer 

Piwnica Pod Baranami Cabaret Company of Krakow 

It might have happened in Krakow, Poland alone that a cabaret was elevated to the rank and authority of a national institution. Sure, since its birth in 1956 the Piwnica Pod Baranami ("Cellar Under Rams") in the cellar of the Pod Baranami palace at 27 Rynek Glowny grand square has been a very special brand of high-brow entertainment: a literary variety show with poetic songs and mostly pure-nonsense humor (both being its hallmarks till now). And the cabaret company of Piwnica Pod Baranami has proved over the past four decades a magnet for outstanding personalities of at least three generations. Its originators, then students now past seventy, earned renown of their own as composers, sculptors, theater directors, etc. 

The cabaret’s stars of the 1960s and the 1970s dominated screen and concert halls. Yet the person that seemed to embody the legend of the cabaret more than anybody was its late announcer and moving spirit, Piotr Skrzynecki, who got bigger-than-life stature himself. 

Nowadays, too, some artists of the Piwnica Pod Baranami cabaret company top music charts. It used to be a must for a cultured visitor to Krakow to see Piwnica Pod Baranami at least once: the language of the place might have been foreign but the atmosphere was unmistakable. Unfortunately, the cabaret night performances are few and erratic at present. 

Piwnica Pod Baranami cellar club at 27 Rynek Glowny is also a venue for recitals of pop acts and jazz concerts. Notably throughout July it's the place of the Summer Jazz Festivals in Krakow every year.   

Grand Square
Krakow’s central Grand Square (Rynek Glowny), the largest plaza of medieval Europe and one of the world’s finest with its spectacular landmarks, has remained the hub of the city since the 13th century.

Palace of Arts
Temple of Fine Arts from the turn of the 20th century.

Bunker of Arts
Bulwark of the newest art.

Manggha Japan Culture and Technology Center
Fine example of the world's newest architecture is the scene of numerous cultural events, and most have something to do with Japan.

International Culture Center
Exhibitions, conferences, and much more.

Jama Michalika Cafe
Century-old Bohemian hideout in its 1908 Art Noveau splendor.

Center for Jewish Culture
19th-century prayer house turned modern cultural venue safeguards and presents heritage of Poland’s Jews.

Villa Decius
Almost perfect Renaissance Italian villa shelters Krakow's European Academy.

Krakow's hot spots

Grand Square of Krakow

Palace of Arts

Bunker of Arts

International Culture Center

Jama Michalika Cafe

Manggha Japan Culture and Technology Center

Center for Jewish Culture

Villa Decius

Entertainment in Krakow



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