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New movies in Krakow playhouses. 

Note: Foreign movies are usually showed in their original language with the Polish subtitles (but dubbing happens). 


Krakow events

Krakow Events in October 2024.

/Further below please find Krakow's selected events in November 2024/


This month's concerts of music, festivals, opera, ballet, spectacles, shows, and other events in Krakow. 

Best Krakow guide Krakow guide e-book

October 21st, Monday: Three power metal bands – Germany’s Powerwolf, Sweden’s Hammerfall, and Italy’s Wind Rose - perform in Tauron Arena Krakow, 7 Lema street, at 6:30 pm (tickets from 189 PLN to 300 PLN)..

November 2024 entertainment events in Krakow.

November 16th, Saturday: Italy’s stellar tenor Andrea Bocelli sings in Tauron Arena Krakow, 7 Lema street, at 7 pm.

Events in Krakow in December 2024 and beyond

Krakow Festivals
Krakow Lajkonik parade
Hardly a month passes in Krakow without some time-honored occasion for common festivities or colorful ceremony. Krakow residents have their own unique way of celebrating
Christmas, carnival, Easter etc. The city is also famous in Poland for its many spectacular festivals unknown elsewhere, such as the wild Lajkonik parade (see the picture above). 
More on Krakow's festivals 

Krakow's music 
The city resounds with music of every kind. Its lively club scene is divided between hip-hop, house, funky, techno, traditional rock and still more traditional jazz. And demanding audience may choose among frequent concerts and recitals of classical music. 
More on Krakow's music

Krakow Theater
Krakow features prominently on the theater map of Europe. Its legendary National Stary Theater counts among the continent’s best companies of players. As the rest of the city's repertory theaters it runs several playhouses of varied capacity. 
More on Krakow theaters

Krakow Nightlife 
There is no shortage of places to drink, eat, and stay merry late into the night in Krakow. 
More on Krakow nightlife

Sport in Krakow 
You can see the best soccer in the country. Or try paragliding instead.  
More on Krakow sports

Krakow's Regular Culture Events
There are over fifty culture festivals in Krakow every single year. Some of them have been held for decades, some are relatively fresh calendar entries. Among the most prestigious such events count the
Music in Old Krakow’ International Festival, the International Biennial of Architecture, the International Graphic Art Triennial, and the Krakow Film Festival. 
More on Krakow's regular culture events

Leonardo da Vinci's Lady with an Ermine
Museums in Krakow
Krakow boasts the best collections in Poland, and some of its treasures are the envy of every museum in the world. 

More on Krakow museums   

Opera in Krakow 
The new Krakow Opera House, seat of the Krakow Opera Company, boasts three auditoriums, being the city's most popular venue for opera, operetta, and ballet shows. 
More about the Krakow Opera 

Krakow Folk Traditions
Krakow region has always been rich in colorful folk traditions, handed down from generation to generation, with almost every village cultivating its own set of time-honored customs. Nowadays, as new lifestyles spread, some ancient practices are dead but many flourish. 
More on the Krakow folk traditions

Krakow Food Festivals


Selected events and festivals in Krakow this year

Krakow opera program

Krakow Philharmonics program

Krakow Musts
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Krakow's Hot Spots
Conferences in Krakow

In the proximity of Krakow

Krakow is Poland's tourist Mecca, and also a gateway to many other must-see sites in the region.

The best of Krakow
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Krakow Clubs 
Drinks  in Krakow
Krakow Souvenirs
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There are over 26,000 Krakow beds to choose from. 

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