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Krakow Beauty Salons

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Maria Magdalena square in Krakow

Stay Beautiful in Krakow.  

Krakow is famous for attractiveness of its female population. Surely, it attests to the qualities of the local gene pool, rich as it is owing to centuries of healthy intakes. But some of the credit must go to the city’s varied beauty industry and its highly skilled craftspeople, from hairdressers to makeup artists to manicurists to masseurs, etc.


What beauty treatments can I have in Krakow?

Krakow’s beauty parlors usually offer full range of beauty treatments. You can have your hair, nails or make-up done, but you can also acquire suntan at solarium, get a massage, dip into a Jacuzzi, and so on. The Krakow proprietors of beauty salons try to keep track of recent developments in the trade and they often add the newest equipment, gizmos, and/or beauty products as soon as they are available. And usually, you are able choose between top-shelf lines of cosmetics, shampoos, skincare products, hair dyes, etc. and their less expensive but reliable equivalents.

What is the difference between beauty parlors in Krakow and elsewhere?

Beauty salons in Krakow’s are not very different from similar establishments in American or Western European cities. They employ experienced beauticians with long practice as well as the best graduates of beauty schools. As elsewhere, some of Krakow’s beauty specialists stand by tried and tested ways but most of them follow the world’s latest fashions. So expect to be encouraged, more often than not, to try something altogether new, or at least something you are not accustomed to.

Yet one thing is obviously different – prices. Generally, in Krakow it’s cheaper.

Click here for more tips.

Basic Krakow info for visitors

Krakow hotels and other accommodations

There are over 25,000 beds to choose from.

Shopping in Krakow

The city’s central Old Town historic district, turned into a pedestrian precinct, teems with stores of all sorts., turned into a pedestrian precinct, teems with stores of all sorts.

Tax-free Shopping in Krakow

Gift Ideas
Make everybody happy back home with a souvenir from Krakow.

Krakow Galleries
Enrich yourself with a first-rate work of art at a very reasonable price.



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