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Folk Art Fair in Krakow 

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Krakow's August folk festival 

Fair of Folk Art in Krakow

Every summer in August the Fair of Folk Art (Targi Sztuki Ludowej in Polish) takes place in Krakow on the Old Towns scenic Rynek Glowny central square. Its rows of stalls tempt spectators and potential buyers with their sundry and colorful merchandise. Most of the goods may look antiquated and often even exotically archaic though actually they are brand-new products of the traditional village crafts and arts: embroidery, pottery, painting, iron, metalwork, woodcarving, etc.

The performing arts are represented too, in the form of live gigs by acts specializing in traditional village tunes and songs.

And last but not least the Krakow Fair of Folk Art provides the opportunity to taste the traditional village foods and stock up the fridge when one enjoys them.


Cepelia Folk Art Fair on the Krakow Square. 

The Folk Art Fair in Krakow has been one of the city’s summer attractions since 1972. There were some disruptions so the 47h International Fair of Folk Art fell on year 2023, August 7th through August 20th. The event is sometimes teasingly referred to as “Cepeliada” because the organizers have been associated with the Cepelia enterprise in its varied manifestations.

Krakow Christmas market

Easter market in Krakow

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Krakow, Poland

Krakow Square
Krakow’s central Grand Square, the largest plaza of medieval Europe and one of the world’s finest with its spectacular landmarks, has remained the hub of the city since the 13th century. Krakow residents and visitors come here to meet each other, to do business, to shop, and to enjoy themselves.

A Stroll Round the Grand Square

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