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Health Resorts in Krakow and the Malopolska Region

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Poland's Spa Belt 

Krakow region, widely known as Malopolska, has been famous for his many health resorts since the end of the 18th century. Beneficial microclimate and healing mineral springs have turned a good deal of local towns into popular spas with mushrooming natural-medicine establishments. These days big public-healthcare sanatoriums, legacy of the latter half of the 20th century, try to embrace market economy. At the same time posh state-of-the-art private health spas have become increasingly fashionable in recent years.


Krakow Spas 

Krakow has two health resorts within the city limits, Mateczny and Swoszowice. The former, nowadays situated next to a busy downtown junction, dates from 1905 when the sulfur water from its drilled well gave rise to a sizable hydrotherapeutic facility. Swoszowice is a quiet area some eight kilometers south of the city center where the first spa opened in 1796 though the first publication about the healing properties of its mineral springs had appeared as early as year 1578. 

Mateczny’s mineral waters contain compounds of sulfur, coal, chlorine, calcium, sodium, and magnesium. They help for rheumatism, skin diseases, gynecological problems, and circulation deficiencies of the lower limbs. 

Swoszowice’s mineral waters contain compounds of sulfur, coal, calcium, magnesium, and boric ones. The place has also deposits of therapeutic mud. They help for spin complaints, rheumatism, degeneration of joints, and multiple sclerosis. 

Top Health Resorts in the Malopolska Province

Krynica, a popular holiday spot 170 km southeast of Krakow, specializes in curing the disorders of internal secretion systems, chronic digestive problems, circulation problems, gynecological conditions, and illnesses of the urinary tract. 

Muszyna, a small town situated just slightly further south, is reputed to help people with lung and bronchi diseases, digestive disorders, heavy-metals poisonings, neuroses, and allergies. 

Piwniczna, where the respiratory problem are being treated in the first place, lies 150 km southeast of Krakow. 

Rabka Zdroj, small town 60 km south of Krakow, has earned renown as Poland’s top health resort for children with various conditions, mostly diseases of respiratory tracts, asthma, and diabetes. Also adults with heart condition and circular deficiencies. 

Szczawnica, popular tourist destination some 110 km south of Krakow, specializes in curing diseases of the respiratory system and rheumatism. 

Wysowa, a village 170 southeast of Krakow, is known for treatments of limb disorders, rheumatism, and diabetes. 

Zlockie, another village 170 southeast of Krakow, is where they cure disorders of respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems. 

Zegiestow, a renowned health resort 160 km southeast of Krakow, boasts springs of highly carbonated mineral waters that contain compounds of alkaline earth metals as well as iron and are beneficial for those with diseases of digestive and urinary systems. 

The Malopolska health resorts are scattered among the Beskid, a range of low mountains that stretches south of Krakow. 

Krakow in Poland

Krakow's Healthcare
Take care of your health in Krakow. 

Dentists in Krakow and dental procedures

Krakow hospitals 

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The Malopolska Province

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