Program of the 2022 Jan Jargon Organ All Souls
Festival of music.
Miedzynarodowy Festiwal
Zaduszki Organowe im. prof. Jana Jargonia
All Souls festival of
organ music takes place every year in early November
with daily concerts at Krakow's historic churches.
29th through November 9th, 2022.
Note: things keep changing, so take into account, please,
that the following program is liable to alterations.
October 29th,
Saturday |
Hour |
Event |
Venue |
7 p.m. |
Krakow’s organist Dariusz Bakowski-Kois) plays Johann Kuhnau’s Biblische Sonaten: Suonata sesta in Es ‘La Tomba di Giacob’, Ferenc Liszt’s Trauerode, Stanislaw Moniuszko’s Za umarlych, and Cesar Franck’s Pieces posthumes / L'Organiste II
(free admission). |
Bazylika oo. Jezuitow church, 26 Kopernika street. |
November 2nd, Wednesday |
Hour |
Event |
Venue |
7 p.m.
Germany’s organist Tobias Horn plays Johann Sebastian Bach’s Komm, Gott SchOpfer, Heiliger Geist BWV 667, Jean Titelouze’s Veni Creator, Matthias Weckmann’s Fantasia in d and Magnificat Secundi Toni, Johann Sebastian Bach’s Fuga sopra il Magnificat BWV 733, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck’s Fantasia cromatica SwWV 258 and Vater unser im Himmelreich, Georg Bohm’s Vater unser
im Himmelreich, and Johann Sebastian Bach’s Fantasia super Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott BWV 651 (free
admission). |
Kosciol sw.
Krzyza church, sw. Krzyza street and Plac sw. Ducha
squaret. |
November 3rd, Thursday |
Hour |
Event |
Venue |
7 p.m. |
The Netherlands’ organist Henk de Vries plays Heinrich Scheidemann’s Benedicam Domino and Kyrie ultima, Samuel Scheidt’s Warum betrubst du dich mein Herz SSWV 106, Johann Sebastian Bach’s Partita no. 3 BWV 1006, Jacob Praetorius’s Magnificat primi toni, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck’s Echo-fantasia in a SwWV 275, Anonymous Upon La Mi Re, Henk de Vries’s Improvisation La Mi Re, Georg Bohm’s Vater
unser im Himmelreich and Praeludium in d (free admission). |
Kosciol sw.
Krzyza church, sw. Krzyza street and Plac sw. Ducha
squaret. |
November 4th, Friday |
Hour |
Event |
Venue |
8 p.m. |
Belgium’s organist Johan Hermans plays Johann Pachelbel’s Praeludium in d P 407, Ciacona in d P 41, and Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland P 386, Johann Sebastian Bach’s Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland BWV 659, An Wasserflussen Babylon BWV 653,Jesu bleibet meine Freude, and Ertot uns durch dein Gute, John Stanley’s Voluntary in a op. 7, Niccolo Moretti’s Sonata ad uso ouverture, Ferenc
Liszt’s Ave Maria, and Felix-Alexandre Guilmant’s Marche religieuse op. 15 no. 2 (free admission). |
Skalka Sanctuary’s church, 15 Skaleczna street. |
November 5th, Saturday |
Hour |
Event |
Venue |
7 p.m. |
Krakow’s organist Bartlomiej Maziarz plays Charles Tournemire’s Symphonie sacree op. 71 and Josef Gabriel Rheinberger’s sonata no 18 in A op. 188 (free admission). |
Bazylika oo. Jezuitow church, 26 Kopernika street. |
November 6th, Sunday |
Hour |
Event |
Venue |
8 p.m. |
Poland’s organist Krzysztof Urbaniak plays Johann Sebastian Bach’s Ricercar a 3 BWV 1079, Johann Adam Reincken’s Toccata in G, Johann Sebastian Bach’s Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582 and Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält BWV 1128, Franz Danksagmuller’s Cantio imitatione Tremula Organi, and Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy’s Allegro (Chorale and Fugue0
in D minor (free admission). |
Skalka Sanctuary’s church, 15 Skaleczna street. |
November 7th, Monday |
Hour |
Event |
Venue |
7 p.m. |
Krakow’s young organists play Cesar Franck’s Piece heroique FWV 37 CFF 104, Chorale in H minor FWV 39 CFF 106, Pastorale op. 19 FWV 31 CFF 99, Priere op. 20 FWV 32 CFF 100, and Finale op. 21 FWV 33 CFF 101 (free admission). |
Akademia Muzyczna conservatory, 43 sw. Tomasza stree |
November 8th, Tuesday |
Hour |
Event |
Venue |
7 p.m. |
Poland’s organist Tadeusz Barylski plays Cesar Franck’s Fantasia in A FWV 35 CFF 102, Tadeusz Machl’s 15 Poematów rożancowych, Maurice Durufle’s Suite op. 5, Tadeusz Barylski’s Three Improvisations In memoriam (free admission). |
Bazylika oo. Jezuitow church, 26 Kopernika street. |
November 9th, Wednesday |
Hour |
Event |
Venue |
7 p.m. |
Germany’s violinist Veronika Miecznikowska, Switzerland’s cellist Tytus Miecznikowski, and Krakow’s organist Marcin Szelest render Johann Adam Reincken’s Praeludium in G, Holländische Nachtigall, and Toccata in g, Zoltan Kodaly’s Duet in D minor for violin and cello op. 7, Johann Kuhnau’s Praeludium in G, Praeludium in d, Sonata aus dem B, and Praeludium alla breve (free admission). |
Kosciol sw. Krzyza church, sw. Krzyza street and Plac sw. Ducha square. |

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