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Gaming in Krakow casinos. 

Krakow’s casinos – two of them situated in Krakow hotels – lure gamblers with roulette, blackjack, poker, and slot machines round the week from afternoon till the dawn next day. Entry ticket costs roughly one euro. Minimum stake is an equivalent of about one euro. Minimum age of a gambler is 18 precisely. As a measure of precaution against money laundering, the country’s law requires casino operators to register each customer, so one should check in on entry and identify oneself with his or her passport. Casual dress is a norm – though most local gamblers don business suits – yet those clad in sportswear may not be let in. 


Other gambling in Krakow 

Bookmaking has increased in popularity in Krakow in the recent years with betting shops encroaching even on the Old Town central historic district. The city’s bookies invite bets from sports fans on a range of events from soccer and basketball matches to tennis tournaments to car races to ski competitions. 

Gambling that is popular with the locals. 

Most popular with Poles, and Krakow dwellers are no exception, is the Polish national lottery, Lotto. Millions mark a row of numbers several times a week in hope of winning a million-dollar-plus jackpot. And no wonder, seeing that the cheapest ticket costs as little as 0.75 euro or so.

All the above is perfectly legal for adults, i.e. those of 18 years or older.

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