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Krakow Carnival

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partying in Krakow

Carnival in Krakow: weeks of partying.  

Krakow’s carnival traditions, largely forgotten today, match those of Venice, Rio de Janeiro or New Orleans. Yet today, as in the past, the city enjoys a long season of merriment that lasts from the New Year’s Eve till the Shrove Tuesday some two months later. It is marked by feverish partying in Krakow’s numerous clubs on the one hand, and snobbish charity balls on the other.


New Year's Eve merrymaking is a must worldwide but on that night Krakow’s entire Old Town historical district turns into one giant ballroom. Thousands of revelers swarm its huge Grand Square with the adjacent streets in frenzied rejoicing and pack into the area’s countless clubs, cafes and restaurants. Such is the beginning of Krakow’s long carnival season which ends with the Shrove Tuesday frolics several weeks later.

Fat Thursday, the last one before the Ash Wednesday, is a festival of overeating when every Krakow dweller devours the Fat Thursday specials: ‘favorki’ crunch cakes and the Polish doughnuts (balls with rose-petals jam filling) which are a must-eat treat on that day.

Shrovetide (Polish ‘Ostatki’ or ‘Zapusty’) crowns Krakow’s two-month carnival season. It spans over the last five days before the Lent. The Shrove Tuesday’s ‘sledziowka’ festivities traditionally last till dawn on the Ash Wednesday and they end with the Lent meal of herring after which repentant revelers go straight to the church to have their foreheads strewn with ash.

Krakow Folk Traditions
Krakow region has always been rich in colorful folk traditions, handed down from generation to generation.

Krakow Festivals
Hardly a month passes in Krakow without some time-honored occasion for common festivities or colorful celebration.

Nightlife in Krakow

Notable Krakow events
Updates on current and upcoming events.

Culture Festivals in Krakow

Christmas in Krakow
Why the ancient capital of Poland deserves a title of the world capital of Christmas.

Easter in Krakow
The paramount Christian feast has a special meaning and a distinct quality in springtime Krakow with its rich Catholic traditions and abundance of beautiful

Good hotels in Krakow

Beauty parlors in Krakow




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