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Public holidays in Krakow, Poland.

Poland observes eleven public holidays, enshrined in the country's law as well as the nation's tradition dear - one way or another - to every Pole. And two of them, Easter and Christmas, last two days. However, Polish national holidays aren't equal. Right, shops stay closed on every one of them. Yet museums, for instance, and other tourist attractions usually open on May Day, Constitution Day, or Independence Day.

1. New Year Day, January 1st.

The first day of every year Poles start with a toast in some sparkling wine. As elsewhere, the ensuing 24 hours is mostly spend on recovering from the effects of revelries on the preceding night, Nevertheless there is always a number of special concerts on the New Year in Krakow.

2. Epiphany, January 6th,

The Christian festival is called Swieto Trzech Kroli in Poland.

3. Easter,

The two-days public holiday, known in Poland as Wielkanoc, includes Easter Sunday and the following Monday when traditional Emaus market takes place in Krakow next to St. Norbert convent.

4, Labor Day, May 1st

The public holiday called Swieto Pracy in Polish is mostly an occasion for enjoying varied open-air activities, weather permitting.

5. Constitution Day, May 3rd.

Polish Swieto Konstytucji, Poland's time-honored patriotic festival, commemorates the nation's first (and the world's second ever) written constitution, passed by the country's parliament on May 3rd, 1791.

6. Whit Sunday,

Whitsun, in Poland popularly known as Zielone Swiatki and officially as Swieto Zeslania Ducha Swietego, is basically a religious festival.

7. Corpus Christi

The Catholic feast day called Boze Cialo in Polish is considered here the third most important church festival after Easter and Christmas.

8. Assumption Day, August 15th

The Polish Swieto Wniebowziecia, a major Catholic festival, coincides with Poland's official Armed Forces Day.

9. All Saints Day, November 1st

On the Dzien Wszystkich Swietych all Poles visit cemeteries to light memorial candles on the graves of the deceased family members.

10. Independence Day, November 11th

Swieto Niepodleglosci in Polish. It's another major patriotic festival and a remembrance day honoring people who fought for the independence of Poland.


Known as Boze Narodzenie in Polish, the most popular Christian feast is December 25th though actually it starts in the late afternoon of  Christmas Eve, December 24th. Also Boxing Day is a public holiday in Poland and the festive season goes on till February 2nd, workdays and weekends.

Krakow Christmas crib

Szopka traditional nativity scenes are an unmistakeable feature of Christmas in Krakow.



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