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New Year in Krakow

Celebrating New Year in Krakow, Poland.

Everybody in Krakow appears to be raring to celebrate the arrival of New Year so wildly as possibly he or she can and dare. People often select their favorite venues a couple of months in advance and rush to book trendy nightspots at the earliest opportunity. And on New Year’s Eve huge crowds swarm immense Rynek Glowny, the picturesque central square of Krakow, with adjoining streets, although once famed open-air New Year's parties with live gigs and fireworks displays are no longer organized here.


At the same time house parties, usually in a narrow circle, remain popular with the locals, especially the older folks. And quite a few opt for welcoming New Year in one of mountain resorts south of Krakow, such as Zakopane, notably whenever January 1st happens close enough to Sunday to produce another nice long weekend Poles are so fond of. 

New Year's Eve in Krakow.

With hundreds of nightspots to choose from, nightlife in Krakow is famously energetic. Every night club in the city plans the New Year’s Eve’s party on its premises and most start selling tickets early in November. Small as usually they are and the regulars snapping up the lion's share of tickets, some places are fully booked before December. Typically the ticket covers entry and a few drinks, and maybe a light meal as well in addition to recorded music and/or DJs spinning his variety of club music while music clubs feature live acts. Prices start at around 100 zloty (PLN).

Also many restaurants in Krakow - notably in the downtown historic districts of the Old Town and Kazimierz - as well as pubs and the like organize reservations only nights on the New Year’s Eve offering a couple of meals, drinks, and usually an improvised dance floor plus some live entertainment. A multi-course New Year Eve's dinner, wines included, in a good Krakow restaurant costs about 500 zlotys (PLN) or more.

Be it a club, a pub, or a restaurant the New Year’s Eve’s merrymaking lasts through the small hours of January 15 with the obligatory flute of bubbles at midnight.

Krakow hotels often offer a New Year city break, complete with a party on their premises. 

New Year’s Eve and particularly its night party is called sylwester in Polish as December 31st is the name day of Sylwesters. 

Krakow on New Year’s day.

January 1st is a day of rest and recovering from the effects of the prior night activities. New Year’s day is a public holiday in Poland so expect almost everything closed save Krakow eateries and gas stations. Also public transport in Krakow adopts holiday timetables. Nonetheless entertainment in Krakow doesn’t stop with at least a couple of music concerts available.

At the same time January 1st is the Catholic feast day and many citizens of Krakow manage to attend High Mass.

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