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Night Clubs in Krakow 

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the winter fountain fountain of light in Krakow's Planty garden

Krakow night spots

Krakow has no shortage of nightspots of any kind. Many of them transmute into eateries or coffee shops in daytime while others abhor sunlight and open fairly late at night. Closing time may be any hour between midnight and 6 p.m. What all nightspots in Krakow have in common is the sale of alcohol.


Nightclubs can be found in every part of the city but most are concentrated in the central Old Town historic district and Kazimierz area two blocks to the south. A typical club in downtown Krakow occupies a maze of cellar spaces but a second floor situation or even higher upstairs isn’t uncommon.

As elsewhere, nightlife in Krakow fills very different niches from cheap watering holes to cultured music venues. Yet the city’s nightclubs largely fall into several popular categories.

Clubbing clubs attract young crowds on weekends when domestic and imported DJs spin their sets. Otherwise such places turn into chillout hangouts though some simply stay closed on weekdays. There are big differences between clubbing sites that seasoned clubbers spot on the fly: drum-n-bass vs. house, cool thirty-somethings vs. hot post-teens, etc.

Music clubs in Krakow seldom feature live acts every day. Concerts usually take place a couple of times a week, typically on Friday and Saturday nights but it may also be any other day. Most places oscillate between different types of music from pop to classical occasionally but a few specialize in one genre, be it jazz or rock.

Adult clubs are rather scarce in Krakow. There are just a few of them and they provide standard entertainment such as striptease, lap dancing, exotic dancers, etc.

Safety matters

Nightlife carries some risks and sporadic incidents in nightclubs in Krakow, some highly publicized, demonstrate that this jolly city isn’t free of them. Excesses of booze, youth, and vigor lead to fights and a few ended in fatal stabbings in the past. And a collapsing stairway in a popular Krakow club in 2011 has drawn attention to inadequate safety measures in some nightspots - from unsatisfactory fire escapes to insufficient ventilation.

As regards building safety you can do little but avoid overcrowded and ramshackle places. Yet almost always it’s possible to steer clear of arguments with strangers. And never count on the police to arrive to your rescue on time: policemen are usually elsewhere when you need them most and they are anyway reluctant to intervene in nightly merrymaking.

Note: Beware of mousetrap clubs - there are two or three in downtown Krakow - where customers are charged a small fortune for a beer and risk ruin for a cheap bubbly. Better don’t trust beautiful strangers inviting you on the street for a drink and check the price-list first.

Krakow's selected night clubs 

Any following information has been provided by respective establishments on their sole responsibility. 

Harris Piano Jazz Bar 
Address: 28 Rynek Glowny (Grand Sq.) Phone: (+48) 124215741.
Everyday live music. Mondays, Wednesdays jam sessions. Blues concerts on Fridays.  

Krakow in Poland

Restaurants in Krakow\s
Krakow is a magnet for gourmets attracted by the city's many excellent restaurants.

Nightlife in Krakow
There are thousands of places to drink, eat, and stay merry late into the night in Krakow.

Drinking in Krakow
To satisfy any thirst.

Beauty parlors in Krakow


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