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Golden autumn at  Planty gardens in Krakow

Krakow's central Planty ring of gardens in the glory of "Polish golden autumn".

Past middle age - or nearly - and visiting Krakow.

Krakow is popular with visitors of any age yet arguably it’s matured people who can get most out of the city. Sure, youngsters enjoy the local vibrant club scene and similar thrills on offer. Krakow, however, reserves its best attractions for grown-ups able to relish historic architecture, art gems, cultured amusement, slow food, and the like.


Age pays off in Krakow, somewhat.

People aged seventy and over are entitled to travel for free on the municipal transport system, i.e. all trams as well as buses operated by MPK S.A. company. Other carriers, service providers and suppliers largely seem to try hard not to offend older people by age-related special treatment.

As regards sightseeing, most museums offer senior discounts for 65-and-over age group although the benefits are restricted, at least officially, to residents of the European Union, the rest of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway) and Switzerland. Notably this applies to all branches of the National Museum in Krakow as well as the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow )including Schindler's Factory), and the Wawel Royal Castle. Regrettably, in the case of the Wieliczka Salt Mine senior discounts are limited to the Polish pensioners.

Please remember that in order to be eligible for a senior discount one needs to produce an identity document with a photo and birth date.

Click here for more tips.

Basic Krakow info for visitors

Krakow hotels 

Krakow lodging guide

You have 26,000-plus beds to choose from.

Dinning guide to restaurants in Krakow

Shopping in Krakow

The city’s central Old Town historic district is crammed with stores of all sorts. And big new shopping malls are nearby.

Tax-free Shopping in Krakow

Getting around in Krakow

Public lavatories in Krakow

Gift Ideas
Make everybody happy back home with a souvenir from Krakow.

Krakow Galleries
Enrich yourself with a first-rate work of art at a very reasonable price.


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