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Teatr Slowackiego Theater in Krakow 

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Juliusz Slowacki Theater, Krakow

Krakow's Juliusz Slowacki Theater 

In 1893 Krakow acquired the brand-new theater building at 1 Plac Sw. Ducha square and Szpitalna street to house its much envied company of players. 

The splendid edifice of the city theater was modeled on the grand Paris Opera. A vast Gothic complex of medieval hospital and monastery together with its church of the Holy Spirit had been demolished to make room for what was then a state-of-the-art playhouse. The interior also was impressive. Most of all the huge painted curtain with the allegory of tragedy and comedy has gained enduring fame as an outstanding work of art. 

Krakow’s City Theater, in 1908 renamed the Juliusz Slowacki Theater (Teatr im. Juliusza Slowackiego), introduced to this country modern stagecraft, drama, and acting at the turn of the 20th century. Its thespians staged the most of important plays of the period and endorsed the best Polish and foreign playwrights. Among them was Stanislaw Wyspianski, Krakow’s painter and poet of genius, who wrote all his milestone dramas with this theater in mind on top of revolutionizing the art of stage design. 

Apart from its primary theatrical function the Juliusz Slowacki Theater has always served as an all-purpose public venue. It long doubled as the Krakow opera house and occasionally substituted for a congressional center. 

The Teatr Slowackiego theater underwent a thorough renovation for its centennial in the early 1990s.


Teatr Slowackiego Theater, one of Krakow's best companies 

Teatr im. Juliusza Slowackiego is a well-known repertory company in Poland. It boasts three auditoriums, i.e. Duza Scena (Big Stage) in the main playhouse at 1 Plac Sw. Ducha square, little Scena Miniatura in the adjacent building of the former power station at 2 Plac Sw. Ducha square, and still smaller Scena Brama (Gate Stage) at 4 Plac Sw. Ducha square. The Slowacki Theatre stages Polish as well as foreign plays in translation, both the classics and contemporary drama: serious plays, comedies, and also musicals. Its productions take place practically every day. 

Contact info for the Teatr Juliusza Slowackiego theater

Postal address: Teatr im. Juliusza Slowackiego, Pl. Sw. Ducha 1, 31-023 Krakow, Poland. The Slowacki Theater has its booking office at 1 Sw. Ducha Pl. open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m and between 2:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays plus four hours before the show on Sundays. Phone number for booking (+48) 124244525, phone/fax 124224022, email      

Wawel Royal Castle
Home to three dynasties of Poland's monarchs. Its stately halls and exquisite chambers are filled with priceless art, best period furniture and rare ancient objects. The collection of the 16th-century monumental Flemish
tapestries is matchless.

Wawel Cathedral
Poland's impressive national shrine shelters plenty of superb church art. Its
giant bell of 1520 ranks with the world's largest. Most Polish kings and their family members are buried in the cathedral, its chapels and crypts.

Grand Square
Krakow’s central Grand Square (Rynek Glowny), the largest plaza of medieval Europe and one of the world’s finest with its spectacular landmarks, has remained the hub of the city since the 13th century.

Basilica of the Virgin Mary's
The immense Gothic church, Krakow's principal temple since the 13th century, shelters the world's
greatest Gothic sculpture among its many excellent works of art

Cloth Hall
The world's oldest shopping mall has been in business for 700 years. The present Renaissance edifice dates from 1555.

Town Hall Tower
Krakow's leaning tower was built by the end of the 13th century.

City Walls
700-year-old main city gate with adjoining mighty walls and towers.

Planty Garden Ring
Park of 30 varied gardens among old trees round Krakow's Old Town historical district

Collegium Maius
15th-century impressive Grand College of the Krakow university where Copernicus once studied.

Krakow mummies
Picturesque 17th-century church and monastery shelter numerous naturally mummified bodies in their crypts.

Kanonicza Street
The most beautiful of Europe's ancient streets,arguably

Juliusz Slowacki Theater for desktop

Krakow Old Town Historical District
Poland's prime tourist attraction and a must-see in Central Europe boasts numerous world-class monuments, charming vistas, delightful atmosphere, and the best restaurants.

Wawel Royal Castle

Wawel Cathedral

Grand Square

Basilica of the Virgin Mary's

Cloth Hall

Town Hall Tower

City Walls

Planty Garden Ring

Collegium Maius

Krakow mummies

Kanonicza Street

Old Town map

Krakow Culture

Krakow Theater

Opera in Krakow 



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