Leading Institutions of Higher Education in Krakow
Krakow boasts 25 institutions of higher education with the
combined yearly enrolment of about 180,000 students.
Krakow's state universities /uczelnie
/schools are listed in order of size, when calling in
or elsewhere in Poland please don't dial
48 at the beginning/

Uniwersytet Jagiellonski /Jagiellonian University/
Established in 1364. About 51,200 students.
Address 24 Golebia St. Website: www.adm.uj.edu.pl
Phone / fax (+48) 124226306, rector’s phone (+48) 124226689
Foreign cooperation deputy rector’s phone (+48) 124221033
Center for foreign cooperation phone (+48) 124226875
The admission office for foreigners provides information and
guidance at its postal address: International Students
Office, Jagiellonian University, Collegium Novum, ul.
Golebia 24, rooms 031 and 032, 31-007 Krakow, Poland. Its
phone number is (+48) 126631546 or (+48) 126631547 or (+48)
126631106, fax: (+48) 126631545, email:
Faculty of Management and Social Communication
at the Jagiellonian University educates over 7,000 students
from 30 different countries. It offers a wide variety of
programs such as: company management, personnel management,
quality and human resources management, tourism, sports and
new media management, public sector management, including
civil service and culture management. It includes study
programs in economy such as applied and international
economics. Other programs offered include applied
psychology, journalism and social communication, information
and library science, film studies, as well as electronic
information processing, which combines humanities and
computer science. Bachelor program of International
Management is provided as a Double Degree in German and a
master level program of Business and Finance Management” in
Collegium Medicum (medical school)
address: 12 Anny St., phone (+48) 124220086
Foreign cooperation (medical school) (+48) 124214664
Medical school for foreigners phone (+48) 124220411
AGH University of Science and Technology: Akademia
Gorniczo-Hutnicza im. S. Staszica
Established in 1919. About 39,100 students.
Address: 30 Mickiewicza Av., Website: www.agh.edu.pl
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development: phone +48 12
Department of International Relations AGH-UST: phone: + 48 12
e-mail: pawel.swierk@agh.edu.pl, Website: www.dwz.agh.edu.pl
University of Economics: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny
(formerly Academy of Economics: Akademia Ekonomiczna)
Established in 1925. About 23,000 students.
Address 27 Rakowicka St. phone (+48) 126167200
rector’s phone (+48) 124210536
Foreign cooperation phone / fax (+48) 124212182
Cracow University of Technology: Politechnika Krakowska im.
T. Kosciuszki
Established in 1946. About 17,700 students.
Web Site: http://www.pk.edu.pl/english
Mailing address: 24 Warszawska St., 31-155 Krakow, Poland
Rector's Office phone: (+48) 126282201
International Relations Office phone: (+48) 126282224, e-mail:
jolar@pk.edu.pl, web site: http://www.bwm.pk.edu.pl
International Educational Centre phone: (+48) 126283642, web
site: http://www.educentre.info
Pedagogical University:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczna im. Komisji Edukacji
Established in 1952. About 16,700 students. Address 2 Podchorazych St. phone (+48) 126376366
rector’s phone (+48) 126373815
Foreign cooperation phone (+48) 126375581
The Pedagogical University of Krakow
is the oldest pedagogical higher education institution in
Poland. Educational provision of the University enables
students to apply to several dozen fields of studies in
first-cycle (Bachelor’s) and second-cycle (Master’s) degree programmes, as well as in the third-cycle degree studies
(Ph.D.), and post-graduate study courses. The courses can be
completed in the following faculties: Faculty of Humanities,
Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Pedagogy, Faculty of Geography
and Biology, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Technical
Science, and Faculty of Art.
Agricultural University of
Krakow: Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kollataja
Established in 1946. About 13,000 students.
Address: 2l Mickiewicza Av., phone (+48)
rector's phone (+48) 126331336
Foreign cooperation phone (+48) 126624260
Congress center's phone (+48) 126625175.
The University of Agriculture in Krakow has a rich history,
which dates back to1890 when it was first functioning at the
Jagiellonian University in Krakow as a Study of Agronomy.
For many years of transformations the University changed its
name several times and finally in 2008 it has gained the
status of the University of Agriculture – the only such
university in Poland. The present-day university offers
education in 26 major fields of study and 56
specializations, and currently it has about 12 thousand
students. Its educational offer comprises also postgraduate
(non-degree) studies in 26 fields. The students have 28
experimental stations at their disposal, with the area of
about 7,000 hectares.
Each year several hundred research projects are realized and
many international and local conferences, symposia and
seminars take place at the university.
The Faculty of Agriculture and Economics
is the oldest of the University faculties tracing its
origins to the Agronomic Studies created in 1890 within the
Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University of
Cracow, which in 1923 was transformed into an independent
Faculty of Agriculture of the Jagiellonian University. In
Janaury 2002 it was renamed as the Faculty of Agriculture
and Economics. The Faculty employs 160 members of academic
staff, including 30 full professors, 28 Habilitated Doctors
an 102 persons holding PhD degree. There are 2200 students
enrolled in the programmes provided by the Faculty. The
Faculty offers both full time and extramural programmes in
the fields of:
(specialisations: Agrieconomy,
Agrobiology, Agritoutrism,
Agriculture -
Undergraduate study in English)
(specialisation: Management in
Protection (specialisation:
Agroecology -
Graduate study in English)
Economy (specialisation:
Agribusiness Economics)
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawla II
Pontifical University of John Paul II/
Established in 1981. About 3,500 students.
Address: 25 Kanonicza street
Phone (+48) 124218416.
The University achieves its
educational and academic activities within six faculties:
Philosophy, History and Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences,
Canon Law, Theology and Theology Section in Tarnow, and
within interdepartmental Institutes of Bioethics and in
Centre for Research on Thought of John Paul II.
A unique
aspect of the University is the importance it places on faith
and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church in connection
with modernity and in a friendly atmosphere.
Studying in the
heart of Krakow is a unique opportunity for its students to
have close contact with culture and science in one of the
most beautiful cities of Europe and a guarantee of both
spiritual and intellectual development. The Unioversity offers
classes in small groups, which are conducive to good
relations between students and lecturers, and treating each
person individually.
They hope that in the future the
Pontifical University will play a role in preserving the
European identity by strengthening relations between science
and faith in the spirit of the encyclical Fides et ratio and
reminding us about the Christian roots of the European
Academy of Physical Education: Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego
im. B. Czecha
Established in 1950. About 4,500 students.
Address 78 Jana Pawla II Av. phone (+48) 126485222
rector’s phone (+48) 126485005
Foreign cooperation phone (+48) 126484430
Arts academies /state schools/
Academy of Fine Arts: Akademia Sztuk Pieknych im. Jana
address 13 Matejki Pl. phone (+48) 124221131
rector’s phone (+48) 124222450
Academy of Music: Akademia Muzyczna
address 43 Sw. Tomasza St. phone (+48) 124232081 or (+48)
fax 4222343
State Higher Theater
School: Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Teatralna im. L Solskiego
address 21 Straszewskiego St. phone (+48) 124225701
rector’s phone (+48) 124228196
Krakow's other institutions of higher education /uczelnie
The following are mostly privately owned colleges providing
higher learning.
Krakowska Akademia im. Frycza Modrzewskiego
/Krakow Academy/
Established in 2000. About 13,000 students.
Headquarters address: 1 Herlinga-Grudzinskiego street. Phone: (+48)
122524650 or 122524675.
Academia "Ignatianum"
/Ignatium Academy/
Established in 1989. About 4,300 students.
Address: 26 Kopernika street. Phone: (+48) 124213155 or
Krakowska Wyzsza Szkola Promocji Zdrowia
/Krakow Higher School of Health Promotion/
Address: 73 Krowoderska street. Phone: (+48)124233840.
Malopolska Wyzsza Szkola Zawodowa
/Malopolska Higher Vocational School/
Address: 3a Wybickiego street. Phone: (+48)126318611 or
Nauczycielskie Kolegium Jezykow Obcych "Gama Bell"
/Foreign Languages Teacher-Training College/.
Address: 16 Sw. Krzyza street. Phone: (+48)124219722 or
124219755. Fax (+48)124217379.
Nauczycielskie Kolegium Jezykow Obcych TWP
/Foreign Languages Teacher-Training College/
Address: 12 Skrzyneckiego street. Phone: (+48)122667849.
Wyzsza Pedagogiczna Szkola Zawodowa im. Swietej Rodziny
/Higher Vocational Pedagogical School/
Address: 13 Pedzichow street. Phone: (+48) 1263345 78. Fax
(+48) 126335576.
Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii i Informatyki
/Higher School of Economics and Computer Science/
Address: 17 Sw. Filipa street. Phone: (+48) 124311890 or
Wyzsza Szkola Europejska im. ks. Tischnera
/Higher European School/
Address: 37 Kosciuszki street. Phone: (+48)124273598 or
Wyzsza Szkola Handlowa
/Higher Business School/
Address: 14 Smolensk street. Phone: (+48) 124229202 or
Wyzsza Szkola Ubezpieczen
/Higher School of Insurance/
Address: 37 Sw. Marka street. Phone: (+48) 124226468 or (+48)
Wyzsza Szkola Zarzadzania i Bankowosci
/Higher School of Management and Banking/
Address: 14 Kijowska street. Phone: (+48) 126386577 or (+48)
126383766. Fax (+48) 126373347.
Wyzsza Szkola Zarzadzania i Przedsiebiorczosci im. Janskiego
/Higher School of Management and Enterprise/
Address: 9 Witosa street. Phone: (+48) 126545469 or 126544862
Wyzsza Szkola Zarzadzania-The Polish Open University
/Higher School of Management/
Address: 12 Glowackiego street. Phone: (+48) 126370710 or