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  Some places in Krakow, Poland are inextricably linked with its Jewish inhabitants.  

  • Ghetto Heroes Square (Plac Bohaterow Getta), was part of the Krakow Ghetto created by the Nazis during World War 2. It was the place where Germans used to round up Jews before sending them to concentration camps. The square has been turned into a memorial to the victims of the Krakow ghetto with oversized bronze chairs symbolizing the missing Jewish citizens of Krakow. 


  • Liban quarry was situated on the edge of the Krakow concentration camp of Plaszow under the German occupation of Poland. It's notorious for slave labor of Jewish as well as Polish prisoners and their martyrdom. 

  • Isaac Synagogue at 16 Kupa Street in the historic Kazimierz district, one of seven  synagogues in Krakow, dates from 1644. 

  • High Synagogue at 36 Jozefa street opened in 1563 on the upper floor of the home of a wealthy Jew in the Jewish quarter of the city of Kazimierz, now in downtown Krakow. 

  • Podgorze district's main square, Rynek Podgorski, once abutted on the Jewish ghetto of World War 2 where the Nazis relocated about 17,000 of Krakow Jews in 1941.  

  • Jewish forum of Krakow: Szeroka street was the heart of the old Kazimierz Jewish quarter as its main market place and a seat of three rival synagogues.  

  • Krakow's Tempel Synagogue at 24 Miodowa street was built in 1862 by the city's Jewish progressives and has remained the venue for religious services attended by the reformed Jews. The synagogue boasts rich interior lavishly decorated with gilded ‘Moorish’ woodwork. 

  • Dajwor street runs alongside the eastern limit of the Jewish medieval quarter of Kazimierz

  • Old Synagogue at 24 Szeroka street dates from the late 16th century. The Renaissance edifice replaced its predecessor destroyed by fire in 1557. In 1961 the Old Synagogue has been turned into a Jewish museum. 

  • Jewish Museum in the Old Synagogue shows the history and traditions of Krakow Jews.

  • Plac Nowy square was launched in the 19th century as the secondary Jewish marketplace on the western outskirts of the Kazimierz ghetto. The round structure in its center was built in 1900 as a kosher slaughterhouse with butcher's stands. Now surrounded by trendy cafes the Plac Nowy square has gained notoriety as a hangout for bohemian types.       

  • Jozefa street used to separate the Jewish quarter from the much larger gentile part of Kazimierz till 1818 thus its original name, Christian-Jewish street. It has been renamed in 1773 after Emperor Joseph II who annexed Kazimierz to Austria.   

  • Oskar Schindler's Factory at 4 Lipowa street, confiscated from its prewar Jewish proprietors, produced enamelware and munitions for the Nazi army during World War 2. Its wartime owner Oskar Schindler managed to save about 1,200 Jewish prisoners who worked for him. In 2010 the factory has been turned into two museums. One of them shows the German occupation and the holocaust in Krakow. The other is MOCAK - Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow. 

  • Popper Synagogue at 16 Szeroka street was founded by a wealthy merchant Wolf Popper (Bocian) in 1620. After the WW2 it has been turned into a culture center.

  • Kupa Synagogue at 8 Jonatana Warszauera street and Kupa street dates back to circa 1590. Financed by the commune (kehilla), it gathered the poor. The entrance is now on the other side of the Kupa Sznagogue, at Miodowa street.

  • A wall of broken Jewish gravestones lines Jakuba street. The Nazis wrecked all Jewish cemeteries in Krakow including the oldest one, Remuh. Shattered tombstones have been set in the wall of the Remuh cemetery alongside Jakuba street.

  • Ancient Remuh cemetery dates from years 1533 to 1799. It stretches between Szeroka and Jakuba streets in the Jewish quarter of the historical Kazimierz city, now one of downtown districts of Krakow. The cemetery is famous for numerous Renaissance and Baroque tombstones and graves of saintly rabbis as well as great scholars, Moses Isserles among them. 

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