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Raphael missing in Krakow 

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Krakow's Rafael missing portrait

  Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, A Young Man.

Age probably over 500 years.

Height 28 in (78 cm). Width 22 in (56 cm).

Place of birth - Rome, Italy.

Reward in excess of 100,000,000 US dollars on the contemporary art market.


Description. A painting in oil on panel, unsigned. It depicts a young man with very long wavy dark hair and delicate features, pretty effeminate-looking. Wearing a brown sable fur thrown over a white shirt, he sits against a flesh-colored wall with a window at the right side showing a sunny Italian landscape. Many believe the sitter is Raphael himself.

Whereabouts unknown since 1945.


Krakow's Portrait of a Young Man by Raphael.

The painting from the collection of The Princes Czartoryski Muzeum in Krakow, is considered the world's most precious masterpiece looted during World War II, which hasn't been recovered to date. The Nazis confiscated Raphael's "Portrait of a Young Man" when they invaded Poland in 1939. Apparently, it was last seen at the Wawel Castle's residence of Hans Frank in Krakow in January 1945 and next possibly transported to his villa in Neuhaus am Schliersee, Germany. American troops arrested Hans Frank there to try him in Nuremberg alonside other war criminals. Sadly, no trace of Raphael's "Portrait of a Young Man" has been found, and it isn't even certain if the painting left Krakow together with Hans Frank.

Wawel Hill

Wawel Hill in Krakow with the Wawel Royal Castle

Leonardo da Vinci's Lady with an Ermine
Krakow is one of just six places in the world that can boast a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. And its Lady with an ermine is arguably the most beautiful of the old master's three female portraits known worldwide.

Krakow Museums


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