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Driving in Krakow 

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Krakow city center, map for drivers

What Motorists Should Know to Drive a Car in Krakow

Poland has right-hand traffic, so when driving a vehicle in Krakow please keep to the right side of the street. Traffic signs and rules generally match those in force elsewhere in the continental part of the European Union. 

Fastening seatbelts in the front as well as in the rear of the car is mandatory. Motorists have to drive always with the headlights on. Drivers must not use cellphones unless they employ a hands-free set. 

The maximum traffic fine amounts to 2,000 zlotys. Driving with as little blood alcohol count as 0.02 percent – result of a small glass of beer – is drunk driving in Poland and a criminal offence. 

Speed limits 

Unless indicated otherwise by an appropriate road sign, the speed limit in built-up areas is 50km/h from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. and 60km/h between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. Practically entire Krakow within the city limits falls into this category. The beginning of a built-up area is marked with a white rectangular sign with the name of the town (sometimes replaced with a symbol) in black and it ends with a similar sign with a red diagonal stripe. 
The speed limit on dual carriageways and on motorways is 120km/h and 140km/h respectively. 
Otherwise it’s 90 km/h. 

Driver’s license 

Citizens of the EU need the European document or equivalent. Other aliens are allowed to use their homeland driver’s licenses or international driving permits within six months from the date of entry to Poland stamped on the passport. Foreign drivers domiciled outside the EU should always carry both the license and the passport with them. 

Parking in Krakow

Practically anywhere in the city it may prove tricky to find a convenient parking place so public transport is often the easy option for local motorists. And parking on the streets in central Krakow is paid between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays. One hour of parking costs 6 zlotys (PLN) in central Krakow and 5 zlotys or 4 zlotys in adjacent districts. The ticket machines don't give the change so it's advisable to keep exact money in coins. Shiny steely parking meters are installed at least one per street or the length of a block.. 

Note: the purchased ticket should be left on view behind the windshield of a parked car. 

In Poland 'no parking' sign applies also to the sidewalk unless there is a notice below that reads 'Nie dotyczy chodnika". 

There is a spacious underground car park in the Old Town central area beneath Plac Na Groblach square, next to Sheraton Krakow hotel near the Wawel Royal Castle, where an hour of parking costs an equivalent of about one euro. Somewhat cheaper is a subterranean parking garage in front of the main hall of the Krakow National Museum at Aleja Mickiewicza avenue.   

Krakow in Poland

Traffic Restrictions in Krakow’s Historic City Center 

Zone A is a strictly pedestrian precinct: off limits to motor vehicles save police, ambulance, etc., diplomats, and supplies in set hours.

Zone B is off limits to motor vehicles save police, ambulance, etc., diplomats, taxis, guests of the hotels in the area, locals, and supplies in set hours.

Zone C is open to traffic but parking in the street is paid here between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays.

Map of the Old Town Historic District

Map of the Main Roads in Krakow

City of Krakow map

Getting around by Krakow's transport 

How to move about the city.

Travel to Krakow

Over seven million visitors show up in Krakow every year. Many arrive by air, but most take advantage of the fact that Krakow lies at a major European road and rail junction.

Krakow Old Town Historical District 

Poland's prime tourist attraction and a must-see in Central Europe boasts numerous world-class monuments, charming vistas, delightful atmosphere, and the best restaurants.

In the proximity of Krakow 

Krakow is Poland's tourist mecca, and also a gateway to many other must-see sites in the region.

Hotels in Krakow

Good restaurants in Krakow


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