The Museum of Krakow
/ Historical Museum of the
City of Krakow
Its traditional appellation, the
Historical Museum of the City of Krakow (Muzeum Historyczne
Miasta Krakowa) remains the official name but since March
2019 the venerable institution has also got a more
convenient label of the Museum of Krakow (Muzeum Krakowa).

Oskar Schindler's office with his desk, erotic art, and huge
map he used to demonstrate Nazi conquests in Europe.
Established in 1887, the museum presently
boasts seventeen branches, including such hugely popular
tourist attractions as
Oskar Schindler's Factory or the Rynek Underground show in the bowels of the central square
of Krakow. Also some of the city’s best known monuments –
for example the Town Hall Tower and the
Old Synagogue – have
been turned into branches of the Museum of Krakow aka the
Historical Museum of the City of Krakow. And last but not
the least, it organizes the two best-loved time-honored
Krakow festivals, i.e. the
Lajkonik pageant in June and the
contest of szopka Nativity scenes
on the first Thursday of December as well as many other
The Historical Museum of the City of
(Museum of Krakow) belongs to the
municipality of Krakow.
Branches of the Museum of Krakow
The Historical
Museum of the City of Krakow
aka Museum of Krakow operates the following 17 branches:
The Krzysztofory
Palace / Palac Krzysztofory at 35 Rynek Glowny central square
The Old Synagogue / Stara Synagoga at 24 Szeroka street
Oskar Schindler's
Factory / Fabryka Schindlera at 4 Lipowa street
The Eagle Pharmacy / Apteka pod
Orle mat 18 Plac Bohaterow Getta square
Pomorska Street / Ulica Pomorska at 2
Pomorska street
Hipolit House / Kamienica Hipolitow at 3 Plac Mariacki square
The Town Hall Tower / Wieza Ratuszowa in the middle of the Rynek Glowny central
Barbican / Barbakan at Basztowa street
City Defence Walls / Mury Obronne
at Pijarska street
Celestat at 16 Lubicz street
The History of Nowa Huta Quarter
/ Dzieje Nowej Huty at os. Centrum E1
Zwierzyniec House / Dom Zwierzyniecki at
41 Krolowej Jadwigi street
The Cross House / Dom pod Krzyzem at 21 Szpitalna
Rynek Underground / Podziemia Rynku with entry in the Cloth Hall at 1
Rynek Glowny central square.
Podgorze Museum / Muzeum Podgorza at 1 Powstancow
Wielkopolskich street
Rydlowka at 28
Wlodzimierza Tetmajera street
At the same time the Museum of Krakow administers
the site of the Plaszow Nazi concentration camp.

Rynek Underground exhibition in
the bowels of the central square of Krakow
Contact information Historical
Museum of the City of Krakow
(Museum of Krakow)
Postal address Museum of Krakow, Palac Krzysztofory, Rynek
Glowny 35, 31-011 Krakow, Poland.
Phone: (+48)
124223264, (+48) 126192302, fax: (+48) 124223264,
switchboard (+48) 126192300, email:
Michal Niezabitowski MA, Phone: (+48) 124223264,
The city that is Poland's prime tourist attraction
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