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Suggested itineraries in Krakow, on foot

The best way to enjoy Krakow is on foot. Almost all of the city’s Old Town historic district has been practically turned into a pedestrian precinct with most its landmarks within easy walking distance. And every street and every square here lives its own life manifest in its cafes, stores, galleries, assorted culture venues and public institutions. Also Krakow's other historic district, Kazimierz, is just a five-minute walk away. 

Kanonicza street in Krakow, Poland
Kanonicza street is the last part of Krakow's Royal Road route

Krakow's most rewarding walking tours. 

Have a virtual stroll down Krakow's streets.

Royal Road was the backbone of the ancient capital of Poland. It links the main city gate and the Wawel Royal Castle through Krakow's main historic streets
Stroll Up the Royal Road

Kazimierz, now in downtown Krakow, used to be its twin city and medieval rival. The area contains many landmarks and the former Kazimierz Jewish Quarter, in the past one of the main centers of Diaspora. 
Stroll through Krakow's Kazimierz District

Krakow's Grand Square, the largest in medieval Europe, is arguably one of the world’s most beautiful plazas. It boasts a plethora of landmarks and myriad restaurants, clubs, and cafes.
Stroll Round the Grand Square

Planty ring of gardens encircles the Old Town historic district. Walk its leafy alleys and see Krakow's landmarks from the new perspective. 
Circle the Old Town walking in the Planty gardens

Pope John Paul II used to stroll Krakow streets first as student, then priest, bishop and cardinal. 
Follow the footsteps of Pope John Paul II

Krakow’s municipality-promoted theme routes
Although they may be demanding and often omit Krakow’s premier landmarks, the featured itineraries are an interesting option for ambitious sightseers. 


Krakow's other suggested itineraries. 

Krakow Old Town Historic District
Poland's prime tourist attraction and a must-see in Central Europe boasts numerous world-class
monuments, charming vistas, delightful atmosphere, and the best restaurants – everything easily available on foot. 
Go to Krakow's Old Town historic district

Each Krakow street has its unique character and a climate of its own; each is rich in history and many different stories.

More on Krakow streets

Krakow squares
They used to be the hubs of city life in the Middle Ages. In Krakow they still are... Well, at least some of them. 
More on Krakow squares

Krakow’s central pedestrian precinct 
There are traffic restrictions virtually all over and round the Old Town historic district, yet they are not uniform. The area has been divided into three zones, each with different rules.
More on traffic restrictions in downtown Krakow

Walking on the green 
Krakow has vast patches of green within its limits – including the 120-acre Blonia common at the city’s heart, the 1020-acre Las Wolski forest park adjacent to the downtown, and the Planty ring of gardens round the whole historic district, to say nothing of public parks – and even vaster just beyond.
More on Krakow's parks
More on Krakow wildlife

You can find myriad of splendid hiking routes near by Krakow.
More on the environs of Krakow

Map of the Krakow's Old Town historic district

Map of the Kazimierz historic district in Krakow 

Krakow Tours
In Krakow and beyond.

Walk the Royal Road in Krakow

Stroll Round the Grand Square of Krakow

Walk Planty gardens round the Old Town

Stroll through Krakow's Kazimierz District

Theme routes in Krakow

In the footsteps of Pope John Paul II

Getting around Krakow
How to move about the city making good use of its transport system.

Travel to Krakow
Over seven million visitors show up in Krakow every year. Many arrive by air, but most take advantage of the fact that Krakow lies at a major European road and rail junction.


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