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Krakow's Podgorze District

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Podgorze, the Other Side of Krakow

District of Podgorze stretches on the right bank of Wisla river, opposite the historic Kazimierz quarter. The area was incorporated into the Krakow municipality in 1914. Previously Podgorze had been a city in its own right since 1784 with a five-year break as a part of Krakow in the years 1810 through 1815. In fact its history dates back to as far as the Stone Age and the district boasts one of Krakow's oldest landmarks, the ancient Mound of Krak. In the Middle Ages and later on the area of today's Podgorze served as external industrial colony of Kazimierz and Krakow with quarries, brickyards, warehouses, etc. 


In the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century this part of Krakow became the city's manufacturing powerhouse thanks to numerous factories situated here.  

Plac Bohaterow Ghetta, memorial to the victims of the Krakow ghetto in the World War 2

Plac Bohaterow Getta square in Podgorze district with 'Chairs', memorial to the Jewish victims of the Krakow ghetto.

Most tragic chapter of the Podgorze history came under the German occupation during the World War Two when the Nazis turned part of the district into a Jewish ghetto in March 1941 and created a concentration camp in Plaszow nearby in 1942. 

Podgorze of today is a patchwork of residential areas and industrial estates with addition of generous amount of parklands. Noteworthy is its cultural vibrancy plus the district seems the next frontier of the nightlife in Krakow as Old Town and Kazimierz are already overflowing with nightspots. The city's two important new museums have opened relatively recently in the Zablocie industrial area of Podgorze: Schindler's Factory and MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, situated side by side with common address at 4 Lipowa street. Also the Cricoteka Center for Documentation of the Art and Tadeusz Kantor Museum have their domicile, since September 2014, in the converted old Podgorze power plant on Wisla riverbank at Nadwislanska street. 


One of Krakow's eighteen boroughs.

Podgorze is formally Krakow's 13th District, its Dzielnica XIII. It contains the historical town of Podgorze as well as the former villages of Czyzowa, Zablocie, Przewoz, and Rybitwy. District of Podgorze has the area of 2,456 hectares and population of 38,000 . It borders with districts 1st (Stare Miasto - Old Town), 2nd (Grzegorzki), 8th (Debniki), 9th (Lagiewniki-Borek Falecki), 11th (Podgorze Duchackie), 12th (Biezanow-Prokocim), 14th (Czyzyny), and 18th (Nowa Huta).

Krakow tours and day trips
Touring Krakow and its vicinity.

Suggested itineraries in Krakow

Districts of Krakow

Old Town

Kazimierz Town

Nowa Huta

Stroll through Krakow's Kazimierz District

Local Government of Krakow

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