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Stag Nights in Krakow, Poland 

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Bachelor Party Krakow

Krakow has got a well-earned reputation as a great place to go for a stag night: crazy or just enjoyable but very likely unforgettable anyway. On every weekend of any one mating season of the year a troop of bachelor parties descend on the city. Some melt into clubbing crowds, others stage noisy street performances, the rest cling to prearranged nightspots and amusements. Only few regret their time in Krakow.

Hen parties in Krakow are fewer or at least not so visible. And the city actually seems more agreeable to bachelorette nights as they are usually less accident prone.

Planning a stag party in Krakow.



  • Hundreds of handy nightclubs.

  • Conveniently massive concentration of nightspots in the historic city center and Kazimierz district.

  • Busy Krakow airport with cheap flights available.

  • Bars and other watering holes are plentiful, keep long hours, and sell reasonably priced drinks.

  • There is an overabundance of restaurants in Krakow if you fancy eating.

  • It’s a hugely popular tourist destination so a wide choice of hotels in Krakow and other lodging options as well.

  • Ditto other services.

  • Ditto entertainment.

  • The natives are friendly and fairly tolerant of inebriated and/or joyful strangers.

  • Krakow is much safer than most big cities in the EU.

  • Overall, it’s generally cheaper.


  • Those drinking on the streets, squares, and parks of Krakow are prosecuted.

  • A ban on smoking in all public areas including streets, parks, bus stops, etc.

  • Smoking in restaurants, bars, clubs, etc. is relegated to confined, ventilated spaces when available on the premises, otherwise banned.

  • In Krakow people answering a call of nature alfresco are prosecuted.

  • Underdeveloped sex industry (where applicable).

Krakow in Poland

Restaurants in Krakow\s
Krakow can boast many excellent restaurants.

Nightlife in Krakow

Night clubs of Krakow

Drinking in Krakow
All thirsts satisfied.

Public toilets in Krakow

Public lavatories are strategically positioned around the Old Town historic center of the city.


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