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The game: Krakow's favored racquet sport.

In Krakow tennis is much less elitist than golf or even squash. The young give it a try as any other recreational sport, the middle-aged take it up as an alternative to other outdoor activities. Sure, as elsewhere, tennis in Krakow has also a legion of devotees age eight to eighty, eager to spend on the court a couple of hours possibly every day. And there are tennis pros in the city as best exemplified by Agnieszka Radwanska, one of the world’s top female players on the WTA tour.

A Krakow boy plays tennis

The set: tennis courts in Krakow.

As elsewhere in Poland, lawn tennis is played in Krakow mostly on clay. There is not a single grass court in the city and hardly any proper hard court. Cheap tarmac-covered tennis courts are poor surrogate for the synthetic hard surface found at Flushing Meadows or Melbourne Park. Also, some tennis clubs in Krakow boast carpet courts. There are just a few indoor courts – either clay or carpeted ones – so in winter tennis centers erect inflatable dome tents over some of their outdoor courts.


The match: where you can play tennis in Krakow.

Krakow’s best known tennis clubs are Nadwislan at 20 Koletek street, Olsza at 7 Siedleckiego street, Zwierzyniecki at 1 Na Bloniach street, and Grzegorzecki at 16 Pokoju avenue. Apart from rearing pro players they make their facilities available to tennis amateurs, at a price. Nobody needs a membership to play and the courts are rented on a walk-in basis but it’s advisable to book in advance because tennis courts in Krakow stay taken most of the time. The same applies to a few commercial tennis centers operating in the city. At both kinds of tennis havens one may employ instructors paid by the hour.

Rates hover around forty zloties (PLN) per hour for an outdoor court and seventy zloties per hour for a indoor one. It’s usually a little cheaper before 3 p.m. and on weekend when there is less demand.

Tennis gear

Tennis rackets, shoes, costumes, strings, and basic accessories are available practically at every sporting goods store in Krakow. Unfortunately, the selection is rather limited so don’t expect them to stock the top pro frames or the latest models of shoes. 

Stringing services are available in the tennis shops and at large sports emporiums usually situated in major shopping centers in Krakow.

Krakow Arena is the city's chief venue for sports events

With arrival of the huge, brand-new Krakow Arena the city has got a venue for serious tennis tournaments.


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