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6 Senses Festival of Culture in Krakow, Poland 

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Six Senses Festival in Krakow, a year-long series of first-class cultural events.

Krakow’s Six Senses Festival (Szesc Zmyslow in Polish) is actually a diverse sequence of events that stretches over a year – from two-day pop jamborees through week-long feasts of theater performances or classical concerts to even longer strings of shows. In 2008 the municipality of Krakow decided to single out the city’s worthiest culture festivals and promote them packaged properly under the ‘6 Senses’ label meant as the hallmark of quality. City hall has picked out a handful of events from numerous cultural offerings available in Krakow every year and it conceived a few more from scratch. 

Component parts of the 6 Senses Festival in Krakow have various organizers even if the majority of its events consist in the pet projects of the municipal Krakow Festival Office (Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe in Polish). Plus, as a rule, the city’s local government provides the lion’s share of financing, the rest covered by other public funding, business sponsorship, and lastly, box office receipts. 

Endeavors that make up the Six Senses Festival in Krakow are grouped into three tiers reflecting importance attached by the city hall: Main Events, Premium Events and, yes, Events.

Main Events of the 6 Senses Festival in Krakow

* Misteria-Paschalia Festival of classical music in the Holy Week (since 2003) .

* Off Camera International Independent Cinema Festival in April (since 2008). 

* Photomonth, ‘Photography Month in Krakow’, Festival in May (since 2006).

* Film Music Festival in May (since 2008).

* Selector Festival in June (since 2009). 

* Art Boom Visual Arts Festival in June (since 2009). 

* Sacrum Profanum Festival of classical and contemporary music in September (since 2002). 

* Joseph Conrad Literature Festival in November (since 2009). 

* Festival of Polish Music in November (since 2004). 

* Divine Comedy International Theater Festival in December (since 2008). 


Premium Events of Krakow's Six Senses Festival of Culture 

* Cracow Theatrical Reminiscences International Theater Festival in April (since 1975).

* International Old and Young or Jazz in Krakow Festival in April (since 1994).

* Krakow Film Festival in May (since 1960). 

* Jewish Culture Festival at the first week of July (since 1990).

* ‘Crossroads’ Festival of Traditional Music in July (since 1998).

* Summer Jazz Festival in July (since 1995). 

* International Street Theatre Festival in July (since 1987).

* PyroMachina International Gala of Pyrotechnics Art in July (since 2008)

* Cracovia Danza' Court Dance Festival in July (since 2005).

* Coke Live Music Festival (pop music) in August (since 2007). 

* Music in Old Krakow’ International Festival of classical music in August (since 1977). 

* International Print Triennial every third year in September and October (since 1966)

* Unsound Festival of electronic and experimental music in October (since 2005). 

* Genius Loci Theater Festival in October (since 2007)

* Student Song Festival in October (since 1964). 

* Science Night in October (since 2004). 

* Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival in November (since 1995). 


Other Events of the 6 Senses series of festivals in Krakow 

* Cracovia Marathon in May (since 2001).  

* Krakow Museum Night in May (since 2006).

* Krakow Theater Night in June (since 2006). 

* Wianki festival of garlands in June (from time immemorial).

* Jazz Night in July (since 2008). 

* Tour de Pologne (cycling race). 

* Cracovia Sacra Night in August (since 2007)

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