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situation of Krakow, Poland on the planet Earth

Geography of Krakow, Poland

Geographic coordinates of the city center of Krakow are 50°04'N 19°56'E 

Krakow lies in Poland almost exactly at the intersection of the 50th parallel north latitude and the 20th meridian east longitude. It makes the very center of continental Europe, i.e. roughly halfway between the westernmost Lisbon in Portugal and the easternmost Urals, and equidistant from the Mediterranean and the arctic Barents Sea. 


Krakow is situated 800 km (500 miles) east of German's Frankfurt, 750 km west of Ukraine's Kiev, 950 km from Florence in Italy and 980 km from Goteborg in Sweden.

With its 800,000-plus residents Krakow is Poland’s second largest city and an unquestioned metropolis of the country's southern half. 

The city’s area of 326.8 square kilometers (0.1 percent of the territory of Poland) spreads on both banks of the Vistula (Wisla) river, about 219 meters above the sea level on the Malopolska Uplands at the foot of the Carpathian Mountains. Complex geological structure of the area makes for divers landscapes within the limits of Krakow and in its vicinity.

Wawel Hill

The environs of Krakow 

The northwest parts of the city lies on the Krakow-Czestochowa Jura, graced with many-shaped limestone rocks and popular for its ‘Eagle Nests’ route linking picturesque ruins of medieval castles. Krakow’s eastern outskirts abut on the vast Niepolomice Forest, while the south ones border on the scenic Beskid Foothills. The Carpathian Mountains stretch still farther to the south, peaking with the Tatra Mountains roughly one hundred kilometers (60 miles) off the city. Also plentiful woods, lakes, and rivers attract hordes of visitors to the Krakow region which remains Poland’s prime tourist destination.

Guide to Krakow


Poland's prime tourist attraction and a must in Central Europe boasts numerous world-class monuments, charming vistas, delightful atmosphere, and the best restaurants.

City of Krakow map

Malopolska Province map

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