Maps to be found on this website
Download map of central Krakow with
its attractions
Consider the following online maps for better orientation.
Krakow's historic area in a close-up: prime landmarks, distinct streets and squares with their names writ
Area just south of the Old Town boasts many unique
landmarks, is popular thanks to its former Jewish quarter
and numerous lively nightspots.
Krakow districts, suburbs, city limits, arteries,
streets, parks, rivers and reservoirs.
Pedestrian precinct and
streets off limits to cars in downtown Krakow,
parking zones and parking lots in the city center.
Main routes to, through, and out of
Maps of public transport in Krakow
Bus routes, tram lines, night buses
Poland's national borders,
neighbors, main roads, cities, principal airports, mountain ranges, rivers
and lakes.
Poland's national borders,
neighbors, main roads, cities, principal airports, mountain ranges, rivers
and lakes - but everything much larger.
Map of the province (one of Poland's 16) of which Krakow is capital,
with the boundaries of the counties and their chief cities. Plus the province's essential data.
Basic Krakow info for visitors
Krakow Geography
Poland's prime tourist
attraction and a must in Central Europe boasts numerous
world-class monuments, charming vistas, delightful atmosphere,
and the best restaurants.
In the proximity
of Krakow
Krakow is Poland's tourist mecca, and also a gateway to
many other must-see sites in the region.
nation, geography, climate, wildlife, visitors,